Northwest Christian Singles Retreat
Glacier Bible Camp, Hungry Horse, Montana
Memorial Weekend, May 24-27th, 2024
Want to Volunteer?
It takes many hands to make a retreat like this successful. If you would like to use your gifts to help out, we would be grateful. See our list below, then fill out the form.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. —1 Peter 4:10
as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. —1 Peter 4:10
- PRAYER TEAM: Are you a prayer warrior? We need folks to help us pray before the retreat as well as during the retreat. Let us know when you are available.
- CAMP NURSE: We need a camp nurse on call for medical situations.
- REGISTRATION: We need those who can arrive early on Friday and Saturday morning to help register attendees. This volunteer position requires organizational and administrative skills.
- GREETERS: If you have attended the retreat in the past and would like to help welcome our guests, showing them around the camp, let us know. Share your “people person” gift with a smile!
- ADMINISTRATIVE: If you have excellent organizational skills and would like to coordinate registration behind the scenes before the retreat, let us know.
- MARKETING: We would love any help getting the word out about our retreat. Let us know if you are great on Facebook, Twitter, or email!
- DECORATING/SET UP: If you have a talent for decor or are handy with carrying boxes, we would love to have you join us. We need folks to help set up earlier on Friday and help throughout the weekend and when we are done. Sign up to serve when you can.
- FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: While the retreat is planned to be self-sustaining, if the Lord has blessed you with abundance and you would like to assist with financial assistance to help those less fortunate, please include extra with your registration designated for the financial assistance fund or let us know you would like to help in that way.
Christian Singles PULSE, 8555 S McKenzie Ln, West Jordan, UT 84081
208-667-8692 (cell/text) • Val & Susie Johnson, Servant Leaders